Thursday, July 23, 2009

Calcium Requirements

Recommended Calcium Intake

•800 mg/day for children ages 1 to 10
•1000 mg/day for men, premenopausal women, and postmenopausal women also taking estrogen
•1200 mg/day for teenagers and young adults ages 11 to 24
•1500 mg/day for post menopausal women not taking estrogen
•1200mg to 1500 mg/day for pregnant and nursing mothers
•The total daily intake of calcium should not exceed 2000 mg

Foods rich in calcium

•Non-fat Milk 1 cup, 300 mg calcium
• Reduced fat Milk 1 cup, 300 mg calcium
• Nonfat Yogurt 1 cup, 490 mg calcium
•Swiss cheese 1 oz., 270 mg calcium
• Mozzarella, part skim 1 oz., 210 mg calcium
• American Cheese 1 oz., 140 mg calcium
• Cottage Cheese 1 cup, 160 mg calcium
•Parmesan cheese,grated 2 T, 140 mg calcium
• Frozen yogurt 1 cup, 200 mg
• Ice Cream, light 1/2 cup, 200 mg

•Black Beans 1 cup, 120 mg calcium
• Navy Beans 1 cup, 130 mg calcium
• Fortified Cereal 1 cup, 300 mg calcium
• Soybeans, cooked 1 cup, 180 mg calcium
• Spinach, cooked 1/2 cup, 130 mg calcium
• Bok Choy 1/2 cup, 80 mg calcium
• Kale, cooked 1/2 cup, 90 mg calcium
•Calcium Fortified Orange Juice 1 cup, 300 mg calcium
• Canned Salmon w/bones 3 oz, 180 mg
• Fortified Cereal 1 cup, 300 mg
• Soy milk, fortified 1 cup, 400 mg
•Tofu 1 cup, 40 mg
• Almonds 2 oz., 150 mg
•Oysters 3 oz., 80 mg

Friday, March 27, 2009

My Other Interview

I see a lot of patients who have been suffering from headache, or low back pain for 10-15 years. After chiropractic care they are now pain free, or 80 to 90% better than when I first saw them. In a lot of cases, surgery is not the first line of treatment for your back pain. I only refer patients for surgery if it’s absolutely necessary. So before you go under the knife, Chiropractic care might be for you.

Prevent Subluxation With Chiropractic

I did another interview with a community magazine in Kelapa Gading. This Article talked about common conditions such as headache and low back pain that are treated by Chiropractic manipulations.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chiropractic Article

Everyone needs Chiropractic care, even if you are symptom free. Don’t wait till you have symptoms such as pain before you start to care for your spine. Prevention is better than cure. Chiropractic manipulation is safe and effective even for pregnant women, and children.

Monday, March 23, 2009

BACK CARE : House Work

Have you ever felt low back pain after doing house work?

There are several easy ways to help prevent low back injuries. Follow these simple tips.


  • When sweeping use short strokes with the broom held close to your body.
  • Avoid large sweeping motions.
  • Do not bend at the waist while sweeping.


  • When mopping, vacuuming, raking or shoveling make small movements with the implement held close to your body.
  • Avoid extending the implement away from your body.


Kneel or squat to garden.

Always avoid bending at the waist.


Here's some tips to prevent injury while you're lifting.

Use mechanical aids to lift or move heavy things

Minimize ALL overhead lifting

Use a sturdy step stool or step ladder
to reduce neck and back strain.

  • Bend with your knees not with your back.
  • Lift with your legs
  • Hold the load close to your body
  • Contract your stomach muscle as you lift
  • Keep your back aligned and upright while you lift
  • Avoid twisting while lifting

  • NEVER bend at waist to lift
  • AVOID lifting overhead